Scared cats are a natural part of being a pet owner, even if your cat has been normal behavior-wise for years. Injuries, illnesses, a new home, separation anxiety, past trauma, and so much more can potentially set your cat off. Hence, it’s vital to know what to do in these situations and help your cat the best you can.
Below will analyze why some cats are scared easily, how to know if your cat is scared, and how to help scared cats. By the end, you’ll know what to do in these circumstances. It’s all about getting your cat back to feeling like themselves. Remember to be patient since this process can take some time.
Why are Cats Scared Easily?
Felines love being on a schedule with consistency. It’s to such an extent that even the littlest changes to their current circumstance can cause stress. It can be something as minor as someone visiting your home or boisterous noises from neighboring development work.
We’ve all experienced felines acting touchy and jittery incidentally. It’s a matter of who they are, but it’s best to know what’s causing their jumpiness. Hence, you must rule out the potential reasons to know what to do for your cat. Let’s take a look at what these potential causes are.
Illness or Injury
Is your feline, out of nowhere, so terrified of everything? Provided there haven’t been any significant changes like moving homes or another pet, an illness or injury may be the cause. The aggravation and inconvenience your cat feels can make them restless. Also, felines are more helpless when debilitated, which can bother them.
New Home
Perhaps the tremendous change a feline will at any point need to go through is moving homes. All about moving homes is frightening to cats. First off, the excursion to your new home will be upsetting. You could see your feline gasping in the vehicle, yowling unreasonably, and shedding a great deal.
Separation Anxiety
Many individuals wrongly expect that cats are reserved and animals that are fine all alone. If you didn’t, it isn’t true since cats need friendship. At the point when a feline is abandoned for significant stretches of the day, your cat can foster separation anxiety. It means your cat is frightened of deserting and is fearful that you won’t ever get back.
Pasta Trauma/Issues
Past trauma can be intellectually scarring for felines. On the off chance that you have embraced a feline, you probably won’t know what their past is. Tragically, many cats in shelters have been mishandled, deserted, or abused. It can make your feline frightened of everything as they have never had a place of refuge to call home.
New Cat or Multi-Cat Environment
If your feline is unexpectedly anxious and nervous in the wake of getting another feline, you can assume this is the reason. Your cat will have been accustomed to having a home to itself. At the point when another cat enters the family home, your old cat feels like its space has been attacked.
How to Know if Your Cat is Scared
As valuable as it is to know about the causes of scared cats, it’s also beneficial to know the signs of a scared cat. Don’t get us wrong; you know your cat, so you should be able to know if something is up. Regardless, here is a rundown of all typical indications of a fearsome feline that you can use to affirm the situation.
Appetite Changes – Specific conditions can bring about changes in cravings. In any case, if your feline isn’t eating much, it may be from their anxiety.
Increased Hiding – Terrified felines will hide more than expected. It’s their approach to getting away and avoiding anything they see as a danger.
Excessive Self-Grooming – Grooming is quieting conduct for felines that assists with settling their nerves. Cats that are frightened of all that will self-groom at a higher rate.
Strange Vocalizations – Howling more than usual is another sign something is wrong. Terrified whimpers are often low-pitched and long, similar to a snarling commotion.

Fearful Body Posture – Nervous cats will have leveled ears and wide, open eyes. At the same time, felines have curved backs and puffy tails from potential danger.
Jumpy & Skittish – Felines that are frightened will battle to unwind. You may see your cat pace around a great deal and experience the ill effects of anxiety.
How to Help Scared Cats

Realizing that your cat is terrified of everything isn’t good. We love our pets and maintain that they should be as cheerful and lighthearted as possible. Living with a fearsome feline can likewise be a significant challenge. Thus, you should know what to do help-wise for your cat in these situations.
Create a Calming Environment
The number one solution for helping scared cats is to create a calming environment. You’ll need to make a space that is liberated from whatever upsetting triggers are hurting your cat. With fewer things to alarm your feline, your cat will steadily turn out to be less wary and terrified of everything in its environmental elements.
Be Patient
Besides creating a calming environment, you must be patient throughout the process. So many people jab their heads inside their feline’s calming spot or attempt to excessively solace their cat. Be that as it may, it will make your feline more scared. So, don’t be pushy and be patient throughout the process.
Seek Help
As great as it is to create a calming environment, you need to rule out any injury or illness issues. The best way to do so is to bring your cat to a vet—the vet checks for any basic ailments that could be the reason for their anxiety. Furthermore, the vet can prescribe anti-anxiety medication that may help.
Scared Cats Conclusion
We hope our scared cats guide helped you understand the issue better, outlining what to do in the situation. Nevertheless, if you live in Edmonton, visit us at Gateway Veterinary Centre to learn more. We are open late, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Contact us today!