Emergency Vet Clinic
Our veterinarians are able to handle a variety of urgent needs and emergencies for your pets saving pet parents precious time while providing excellent care. Please call to make an appointment or check availability to get prompt service.
We have helped a lot of pets with wide variety of emergencies including but not limited to pyometra , urinary blockage in cats, laceration and dog bite wounds ,porcupine quills, eye trauma injuries, intestinal blockages and foreign body ingestion, splenic cancer surgeries, bladder stones, toxin ingestion, chocolate and marijuana toxicity.
For after hours we recommend Guardian Veterinary and Pulse Veterinary Emergency.
When an emergency happens to your pet, Gateway Veterinary Centre is here to help.
Hours Of Operation
MONDAY: 8 am to 7 pm
TUESDAY: 8 am to 7 pm
WEDNESDAY: 8 am to 7 pm
THURDSDAY: 8 am to 7 pm
FRIDAY: 8 am to 7 pm
SATURDAY: 9 am to 6 pm
SUNDAY: 9 am to 6 pm

Call us or your local veterinarian rather than attempting to seek or obtain advice online. If you are unable to talk to you family veterinarian, call your closest emergency hospital and clearly explain the situation. Ensure to call ahead to prepare them for your arrival.

Dr. Gary Dhillon
Gary has extensive experience in emergency medicine and surgery, as well as general practice. Additionally, he has served as the Medical Director for the VCA General Veterinary Hospital here in Edmonton.
An emergency clinic is imperative for every pet owner. As healthy as you take care of and treat your pet, you never know when an issue might pop up. Considering every pet has an emergency requirement at some point during their life, it’s in your best interest to prepare yourself.
Accidents, unexpected illnesses, and health issues pop up. Whether it’s something your pet ate, got themselves into, or a surgery requirement, it’s best to have that emergency solution ready. If you have a separate non-emergency vet for your pet, consider asking.
When an emergency arises, approach your pet with caution. Regardless of your typical desire to comfort your injured pet, don’t put your face or hands close to their head until you evaluate your pet’s condition. If you can’t deal with the issue yourself, ask your veterinarian for the best way to transport your pet.
Generally speaking, wrapping smaller, injured pets in towels (considering not to create additional injury or agony) is ideal. On the other hand, putting bigger pets in cases or transporters for transport might be the most secure choice for both you and your pet.
What emergency vets use heavily depends on what the issue is. If your pet has a common illness that’s making them nauseous, the vet may give them fluids and a prescription to mitigate the illness. More severe visits may require detailed imaging such as a CT, MRI, or X-Ray to determine the issue.
- Supplemental oxygen conveyed through oxygen enclosures or nasal cylinders
- Consistent ECG observing and telemetry
- Ultrasonography
- Pulse oximeters
- Blood gas checking
- End tidal carbon dioxide estimation
- Colloid oncotic pressure estimation
- Endoscopy
- Pulse and central venous pressure measurements
- Advanced imaging techniques (CT, MRI, X-Ray)
Ensure you know your veterinarian’s approach regarding emergency care, both during standard practice hours and after-hours. If your veterinarian doesn’t have a referral relationship set up, then, at that point, ensure you know the nearest emergency centre.
Knowing the necessity of an Emergency vet is precious for all pet owners, regardless of their experience. Everyone should look into a vet with emergency services no matter a pet’s age and health. Hesitating for this service can be devastating, making it imperative for pet owners to address it.
- Skin conditions (skin irritations)
- Longer lasting or persistent stomach or digestive issues
- Wounds, bitemarks, lacerations
- Dog Colic
- Difficulty urinating (Common in Male Cats)
- Lodged objects in intestinal tract
- Difficulty breathing (seek immediate vet assistance)
- Refusing to eat or drink
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Arthritis (Senior Pets)
- Red Eye or Cherry Eye