A dog memory is an area not many pet owners analyze. Having your canine welcome you is one of the many motivations why we love dogs so much. Your canine’s memory capacity with you as their dearest companion and owner is why they welcome you with such energy.
Besides recalling our identity, do our canines recollect other things in life? Do dogs recollect the treats we give them? The times they bite up the love seat? These exciting questions revolve around a dog’s memory, how it works, and what affects the memory. Let’s take a look at what that means.
Dog Memory: How Do Dog Memories Work?
People can store and recall memories because of episodic memory. This kind of memory assists us with reviewing occasions that happened at exact times throughout our lives. Episodic memory permits us to reflect, recall, and remember these moments.
Canines, however, don’t have episodic memories. Dogs have something many refer to as an acquainted memory. It implies that dogs recall memories because of affiliations and not genuine recollections. For instance, if you put on your tennis shoes before taking your canine for a walk, your canine will get excited whenever they see the shoes.
Your canine then connects those tennis shoes with going on a walk. Affiliations work in the other way too. For instance, if your canine despises going to the vet, he will be sad each time he goes in the vehicle since he connects it to the vet. Changing negative associations like the car and vet is possible by redoing them with positive associations.
Short-Term Dog Memory
Canines have a different framework for putting away, handling, and reviewing memories. Dogs don’t have a substantial short-term memory, so they typically don’t recollect every one of the times they obliterated our homes. It doesn’t mean that canines aren’t equipped to recall things.
Length-wise, dogs have very minimal short-term memory. The average dog can’t remember things that happened longer than two minutes ago. That doesn’t mean your dog won’t remember anything. All it means is that in the short-term, non-associative acts or other arbitrary events won’t be in their mind long.
Long-Term Dog Memory
Long-term dog memory is based entirely on associative memories. A dog won’t remember someone or something unless it has a positive or negative effect. However, you can sit back and relax, knowing that your canine won’t fail to remember you, even after a long time.
The number of positive affiliations that canines structure with their owners makes this nearly impossible. Those affiliations incorporate all of the incredible holding encounters you’ve had and the ability to perceive your aroma and face.
Shouldn’t something be said about the people who don’t see your canine as much? Honestly, there isn’t an apparent response to this inquiry. Those recollections are laid out to some degree now and again to cement the memory.
The timeframe that a canine will fail to remember someone else or another animal relies entirely upon the individual and how their brain is wired. For example, if your dog hits it off with another canine, it can require a long time of not seeing each other before they forget.
What Affects Memory in Dogs
As mentioned, dogs’ memories entirely depend on the interactions they have. Therefore, the more positive interactions you have with your dog, the easier it’ll be for them to remember you. The same could be said with adverse events, with dogs avoiding some activities or areas if it was a bad experience.
Dog Memory And Emotional Connection
Dogs set memories that are fuelled with feeling. In this way, dogs are bound to remember their owners assuming they’ve had numerous cheerful recollections. The more you play together, cuddle in the night, or brush your dog’s coat, the easier it’ll be for your dog to have a memory of you.
Like most other pets, dogs are very centered around a schedule. Thus, your dog will usually display an internal clock when it’s dinner or walk time. Hence, dogs need to have a schedule to know what to expect daily. Not having a schedule can throw your dog off and cause some anxiety.
How Does Age Effect Dog Memory
The additional time you have to build a relationship with your dog, the simpler it is for them to recollect you. Any pet parent that has had their dog from puppyhood will probably not be a memory issue. The more time together, the easier it is for your dog to remember. However, as your dog ages, they may begin to experience cognitive decline. Signs include:
- Barking or crying without reasons
- Social changes
- Changes in their typical resting designs
- Indications of disarray or confusion
- Pondering erratically around the house
- Falling over more habitually
- Peeing or pooing inside
How to Help Your Dog’s Memory
Positive affiliations, nutrition, and exercise are the best ways to help your dog’s memory. Positive affiliations are as simple as giving your dog a treat with a specific event, so your dog can remember the positive reward from the activity. Nutrition and exercise are imperative for longevity, including cognitive functionality.
How Easy is it For Dogs to Learn Tricks?
As you can assume, teaching your dog tricks is easy if you start early. Though you can teach your dogs tricks, later on, it’s not as easy for them as when they were puppies. Regardless, all tricks are taught through repetitive action tied with positive affiliations so that they can remember the trick.
Learning New Tricks Tips
All tricks are taught with verbal and hand cues and a positive affiliation (a treat). For example, you can hold a treat above your dog’s head while saying sit. Eventually, your dog will sit, and you give them the treat once they do. This trick will cause your dog to do it without needing a treat.
Dog Memory Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed our dog memory guide and the question of how long a dog’s memory lasts. Remember the importance of memory and what you can do to benefit your dog’s memory. Nevertheless, contact us at Gateway Veterinary Centre if you live in Edmonton and hope to learn more.