Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear infections are very common in dogs. Dogs will display various signs of ear infection, some of which we are all familiar with: pain, redness, foul odor, head shaking, dark colored discharge at the ear and in some worst cases, you may see a hematoma formation in the ear pinna itself. Ear hematomas are most […]
Lost and Found Pets

If you have found a lost pet, please check out some of the links below to help them reunite them with their family. Most veterinary clinics including us can scan for a microchip these days, and some animals may have tattoos (the link takes you to a tattoo database) as well. Within the Edmonton city limits, please contact […]
Common Toxicities in Cats and Dogs

What to Know About Common Toxicities in Cats and Dogs While raising a pet, it’s vital to know about the common toxicities in cats and dogs. Thankfully, the Pet Poison Helpline and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) compile a list of poisonous pet products and ingredients every year based […]

If you are thinking about pursuing a career in veterinary medicine, there are a lot of great options. Click here for details about various career options. Volunteering is a great way to experience behind the scenes life in a veterinary clinic. We appreciate all the volunteers for their hard work and the passion they have for helping […]
Pet Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies come in many forms: fires, floods, winter storms etc. Even though we are lucky here in Alberta, we do remember lots of pets being evacuated due to the Fort McMurray Fires not that long ago. In the event of extreme weather or a disaster, would you know what to do to protect your pet? […]
Dangerous Spring Plants

Spring is finally here! Birds are singing, the snow is (finally!) melting, and beautiful spring plants will be available in many stores and centres. With Easter around the corner, one of these popular plants is the Easter Lily, also known as Lilium longiflorum. This common plant, along with other members of the true lily family […]
Allergies in Dogs

Allergies are the bane of modern life. That is true for modern dogs and cats as well. Our understanding of allergies is continuously evolving. We all know how our thinking about allergies and allergen exposure has changed by looking at pediatric literature. Doctors are now recommending exposure of traditional allergens like peanuts to children sooner […]