Like humans, cats use their teeth daily, while comfortably eating is essential for a better life. Cats with bad teeth tend to be more emotional and hesitant with those around them. Thus, cat dental cleaning is imperative to their health and longevity.
Nevertheless, below will highlight a few points related to cats and their dental health. We’ll discuss what’s involved in a cat dental cleaning exam, how cats’ teeth are cleaned, if appointments are required, and much more. By the end, you’ll know the basics of cleaning your cat’s teeth and its importance.
What is involved in a Cat Dental Cleaning Exam?

An essential examination is always the first step in the dental cleaning process. The vet typically confirms if a cleaning is needed and will discuss what’s needed. Be prepared for something more (dental disease aid, surgery) than just a cleaning if you haven’t brought your cat in for a cleaning in a while.
As great as a primary examination is initially, it’s usually difficult to predict the specifics of the dental disease before the procedure. Thus, make sure the vet can reach you while the procedure is going on if any additional treatment is needed.
The veterinarian might perform blood tests to guarantee that kidney and liver capacity is suitable for sedation. The vet may also take an assessment of the heart and mid-region. Be prepared for anything more than a straightforward cleaning since there is a lot tied to the subject.
How Are Cats Teeth Cleaned?
Though it may seem completely different, cats teeth are typically cleaned very similar to humans. Once the initial examination is over, tooth scaling (removing tartar) is the next step in the process. The vet will use hand and ultrasonic scalers to remove tartar around the gum line.
If the gum disease is advanced, the vet may consider removing the teeth. Removing the teeth typically only happens when there isn’t anything the vet can do to benefit the teeth.
Regardless, the vet will polish the teeth to decrease the plaque build-up once scaling is done. Most vets recommend sealer application (filling in teeth), but this depends on your cat’s teeth and the vet.
Are Appointments Required to Clean My Cat’s Teeth?
No vet has open-house appointments for cleaning your cat’s teeth. If you don’t have a vet, plenty of vets is around. Check their website for their contact information to make your cat’s first appointment.
First-time appointments will give a general check-up on your cat, but make sure you discuss dental cleaning if it’s on your mind. Once you do that, the vet will schedule your cat’s teeth appointment. Once that happens, your cat will feel refreshed and happy with their better teeth.
Can You Use Human Toothpaste?

No, human toothpaste is meant for humans, not cats. Never use human toothpaste on a cat since it contains poisonous ingredients. It can potentially cause stomach issues or worse, so always do what you can to keep your toothpaste away from your cats.
Besides human toothpaste, some people think another option to consider for their cat is baking soda. Though this may seem like an option to some, never use baking soda on your cat’s teeth either. Baking soda can disturb the acid balance in the stomach and gastrointestinal system, meaning you should always avoid it with your cat.
Does Pet Toothpaste Work?
Pet toothpaste is easy for cats to use and doesn’t upset their stomach. The toothpaste is accessible in flavors that are interesting to cats, including chicken, fish, and mint. Assuming you utilize an item that they enjoy, your cat will end up enjoying the experience.
Besides the taste, several pet-accommodating kinds of toothpaste contain proteins to help separate plaque artificially. It helps decrease the time necessary to clean your cat’s teeth.
Tips For Keeping Your Cat’s Teeth Healthy

CAPTION: Don’t Ignore Your Cat’s Bad Breath
As great as it is to know the basics of cat dental cleaning, none of that matters if you don’t know a few at-home tips. Keeping your cat’s teeth healthy is more than just bringing your cat in for their check-up and cleaning. With this in mind, below will highlight a few essential tips for keeping your cat’s teeth healthy.
1. Ask Your Cat’s Vet About Their Teeth
The first and most crucial step in caring for your cat’s teeth is to ask their vet about their teeth. As simple as this sounds, a vet is who knows best for your cat. They’ll be able to analyze and develop any necessary procedure or cleaning regimen for your cat.
2. Brush Your Cat’s Teeth With a Cat Toothbrush and Toothpaste
As we’ve discussed earlier with toothpaste, make sure you brush your cat’s teeth with a cat toothbrush and cat toothpaste. For whatever reason, most cat owners ignore this even though it’s so critical for caring for their teeth. Consider looking online or talking to your vet for the best options.
3. Don’t Ignore Your Cat’s Bad Breath
Bad breath is typically a sign that your cat has terrible gums, a rotting tooth, or requires a deep clean. Either way, make sure you develop an at-home treatment plan for their teeth after bringing them to the vet. A procedure or cleaning session will most likely be required, but do what you can to prevent future issues.
4. Buy Teeth-Cleaning Toys For Your Cats
Like having a cat toothbrush and cat toothpaste for your cat, consider looking into some teeth-cleaning toys for your cat. There are plenty of toys online that serve this purpose and will give them some fun while cleaning their teeth at the same time. Just make sure you find a toy that’s right for your kitty.
Want to Learn More About Cat Dental Cleaning? Visit Gateway Veterinary Centre in Edmonton
We hope you enjoyed our article on cat dental cleaning. Remember not to neglect anything in this subject since it’s imperative to your cat’s health. Regardless, if you live in Edmonton and are interested in dental cleaning services for your cat, visit us at Gateway Veterinary Centre.